22 Fly Repellant Diy Outdoors Ideas

Flies are a common outdoor nuisance during the warm weather months. They are attracted to garbage, carrion and human food.

In order to keep flies away from the outdoor spaces where people congregate, homeowners often use fly repellents.

There are many commercially prepared fly repellents that are available for purchase, but they are often made with chemicals that have a strong odor.

If you do not want to use a commercial fly repellent, you can make one at home using a few different ingredients.

1. Outdoor citronella candles

Citronella candles are a classic way to repel flies and mosquitos. This version is made with soy wax, citronella essential oil, and eucalyptus essential oil.

You can also add a wick to a mason jar and fill with water and a few drops of citronella oil.

2. Citrus and cloves

Citrus and cloves are a great combination for a lot of things, including fly repellant.

Slice up a lemon and an orange and poke cloves into the fruit. Place the fruit on a plate and put it in the middle of your picnic table.

You can also put the fruit into a bowl and place it on a table or even put the fruit on a skewer and hang it near your picnic table.

The flies will stay away and you’ll have a lovely citrusy scent on your table.

3. Bottle of water with shiny coins

This is a simple trick to get rid of flies from your outdoor living space, and it’s a great way to recycle your old water bottles!

Fill a bottle with water and add a few shiny coins to the water.

Then, place the bottle in an area where flies are a problem. The reflection of the coins in the water will create an illusion that scares the flies away.

4. Lavender oil

Flies are known to hate the smell of lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oil.

You can use them in your homemade fly repellent by adding a few drops to a small spray bottle and filling it with water.

5. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is a great natural fly repellant. Add 10-15 drops of eucalyjson to a small bowl of water and place it on your patio table.

You can also soak a sponge in the water and place it in a bowl.

The scent will help keep the flies away.

6. Clove oil

Clove oil is another potent essential oil that flies don’t like. Add 25 drops of clove oil to a 16oz spray bottle and fill the rest with water.

Shake well and spray around your outdoor spaces to keep flies away.

7. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries for its powerful antiseptic properties and is a great option for fly repellent.

For this, you will need:

• 10-25 drops of tea tree oil

• 2 cups of water

• A spray bottle

Mix the tea tree oil with water in the spray bottle and shake well.

8. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil is a natural repellant for many insects, including flies.

You can add lemongrass oil to a spray bottle with water and spray it around your house, or you can add it to a candle to help keep flies away.

You can also add a few drops of lemongrass oil to a bowl of water and soak a cloth in the water.

Then, hang the cloth near the area where you want to repel flies.

9. Mint oil

Mint oil is another essential oil that flies seem to detest.

This oil is also a natural ant and rodent repellent, so it’s a great oil to have on hand for many reasons.

Add 15-20 drops of mint oil to a small spray bottle and fill the rest with water. Shake well and spritz on your skin or in the area you want to repel flies.

This oil is safe to spritz on your garden plants, too!

10. Essential oil sprays

If you prefer to use essential oils in your spray, this is the recipe for you.

Add 20 drops of any of the following essential oils: citronella, clove, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, cajeput, eucalyptus, cedar, catnip, lavender, mint.

Then combine with 2 cups of witch hazel and 1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin.

It’s that easy!

You can also use this recipe as a base and add other oils to your liking.

11. Fly strips

If you need to get rid of flies in your outdoor space, try making your own fly strips.

This project is similar to the mason jar fly trap, but you will be using brown paper bags instead.

Cut the paper bags into strips and then soak them in the mixture.

Hang the strips outside around your patio or deck to deter flies.

12. Fly zappers

This is a genius idea! Make a fly zapper with a few simple items from around the house. You will need a soda bottle, electrical tape, a piece of wire, and a battery.

Cut the soda bottle in half and fill the bottom half with a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast.

Tape the top half of the soda bottle to the bottom half upside down, and then tape the wire to the bottle.

Connect the wire to the battery and the flies will be attracted to the light and get zapped when they touch the wire. I love it!

13. Electric fans

Believe it or not, flies are not very good at flying.

They are more prone to fly straight than turn, so they have a hard time navigating obstacles.

A simple oscillating fan placed on a table can make a huge difference in a fly problem.

The fan will blow the flies around and make it difficult for them to land.

14. Bug zappers

Bug zappers are a popular way to repel flies and other insects.

You can purchase a bug zapper at most home improvement stores. You can also make your own by following this tutorial.

Bug zappers work by attracting insects to a light source and then electrocuting them.

You can hang a bug zapper near your outdoor dining area to keep flies at bay. Just make sure to place it at least 15 feet away from where people are gathered.

15. Bug sprays

There are a couple of different bug sprays you can make. One is a little more involved and the other is a simple mix and go.

The more involved bug spray is an oil based one. You mix together your essential oils and then mix them with a carrier oil.

I used almond oil but you can use whatever you like. I found that this recipe worked better for me on my skin.

I did have to apply it more often than the alcohol based recipe. I also use this as a spray for my plants.

The alcohol based bug spray is the one I use the most. It’s super easy to make and I think it works just as well as the oil based bug spray.

I mix together my essential oils and then add them to a spray bottle with water and witch hazel.

I use this as a room spray and on my skin. It works great as a quick and easy bug spray.

16. Bug traps

If you want to keep the bugs away from your outdoor space,

but don’t want to have to remember to light the candles or spray the plants, you can make these bug traps.

They’re made with a few simple ingredients and can be placed all around your yard.

As the heat from the sun warms the ingredients, it will release a scent that keeps the bugs away.

17. Bug repellent wipes

Repellent wipes are a simple way to keep the bugs at bay. This recipe is almost identical to the bug spray recipe with the addition of wipes.

You can use paper towels or reusable cloths.

These are perfect to keep in your car or in your bag when you’re out and about.

18. Bug repellent lotions

It’s always a good idea to have some bug repellent lotion on hand.

This recipe uses essential oils, witch hazel, and aloe vera gel to create a cooling, bug-repelling lotion.

These lotions are great to use on your arms, legs, and neck, and they’re also a great way to soothe any bug bites you may have gotten.

19. Bug repellent bracelets

If you are looking for a more stylish way to keep the bugs away, then these bug repellent bracelets are for you!

You can make them in any color you like and they are completely reusable.

This is a great project to do with kids.

They can even help mix the oils and paint the beads. Just be sure to keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t get the oils on their skin.

20. Bug repellent clothing

Insect Shield is a company that makes bug repellent clothing.

The clothing is treated with permethrin, an insect repellent, and insecticide that is effective against mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, and chiggers.

The treatment is odorless and lasts for 70 washes.

If you have a favorite outfit you love to wear while spending time outdoors, you can send it to Insect Shield to be treated.

21. Bug repellent shoes

If you’re going to be outside for a long period of time, you’ll want to make sure you’re not only protecting your skin, but your feet as well.

Use the same bug-repellent spray you made for your clothing and spray it on your shoes to keep the bugs away.

This is also a great way to keep your shoes smelling fresh and clean!

22. Bug repellent hats

This is another fun way to use essential oils to repel flies. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to a bandana and tie it around your hat.

That way, you can easily remove it when you go inside and it won’t be too overpowering.

I also like to do this with my kids when we go on a walk or hike. It’s a great way to keep the bugs away from their faces.


Which of these fly repellant ideas are you going to try? I am going to try the mason jar repellant and the marigolds.

Let us know what you have tried and how it worked for you. We love to hear from our readers.

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